Art Galeries
Discover the art galleries in which you can find Damjump's works. You will discover his drawings, paintings and illustrations.
new shop : Mémère, Mauzé sur le mignon (79)
- By huyghe-damien
- On 01/08/2024
Happy to be sold in a new shop, in the known village of Mauzé sur le mignon, close to "La Minoterie" where i made a residence in july 2024.
you will find small drawings series (sets of 3 drawings, frameds, 15x21cm and 21x15cm), medium size paintings (60x51cm) and duo canvas.
Thanks to Clement that manage the shop. -
acquisition of 2 pieces of art by the artothèque found
- By huyghe-damien
- On 17/01/2023
2 pieces of art, presented this 2022 year in Espace Aragon in the exhibition called "le climat tique ?" have been bought by the contemporary art found of gresivaudan. this is a quite surprising news for me and comes to thank the effort made by espace aragon to host me during the residency and the exhibition.
i am quite proud of this ;)
"La pie curieuse" new gallery in Chateauroux (36)
- By huyghe-damien
- On 30/09/2022
- In Art Galeries
Since july 2022, i do exhibit and sell at "La pie curieuse" (the curious magpie).
With 8 artist from chateauroux (inhabitants or borned), we do present a broad variety of styles and crafts, from soap to illustrations, from ceramics to painting, comme and visit, i am sure that you will leave with something.
The gallery is not open all week, chech out when you want to come. and we do are present, usually on sundays where some of us do workshop on their skills. -
book - Opus n° 3 2020
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- On 10/02/2022
- In Art Galeries
opus number 3 : "abstract of my pieces of art 2020" is out and you can download it here :
book-n-3-2020.pdf (8.29 Mo) + (in french, but i will do both versions for next one, I promess)
It does present my canvas and drawings, and big formats I did paint during spring and summer, and does present pieces of art filled with climate, society problems, emotions and of course this f... virus that does take all space in our spirits and lifes at the moment.
but don't worry too much, you will find in there canvas shouting out loud with colours and emotions and energy, which is my way of painting.
about 30 pages that show the trend for 2020 and the coming catalogue. Stay tuned and good reading or good "seeing", i dont know how to say it in english (visionnage ? ) :D -
Exhibition "Tic Toc, le climat ?", AAC Amiens, may july
- By huyghe-damien
- On 18/05/2021
After these very useless months of lockdown for Art places, we can at last see and share our very dangerous work and activity with you .....
Climate is for our misery at the center of this exhibition where i put my emotions about it in big formats. I propose you a few canavs and drawngs to question our place on earth, migrations, climate change, water crisis ... on this unique planet where humans are so fragile but so negatively active.
800/12 artists at AAC Amiens,
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- On 30/07/2020
- In Collective exhibitions
12 artistes gathered at AAC for the happiness of all. No Vernissage but a frequent presence of artist to enable you to come alone or in small groups to look at the pieces of art.
Expo "La Galerie suit sa ligne", Yvert, Amiens
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- On 11/12/2019
- In Collective exhibitions
6 artists to present you more than 120 small formats to pick up and admire for christmass.
Vernisssage on the 12th decembrer, 18h30, rue de l'étoile Amiens -
First gallery : @Yvert, may june 2019, Amiens
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- On 01/05/2019
- In Art Galeries
I am very happy and honored to announce you that i will be, grom now, one of the artists that are shown at Yvert et Tellier's gallery in Amiens.
For this first exhibition, i wil have the chance to have the whole gallery for myself. I will present 60 drawings and canvas.
You were more than 50 at the "vernissage", the 23th of May, rue de l'étoile à Amiens. thanks :D
Exhibit in Amiens, 1rst March, 5 artists @Anthony Huynh Gallery
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- On 24/02/2019
- In Collective exhibitions
AH art, Caro, Sibrah, Dyson and I will have the pleasure to show your our art in the Anthony Huynh gallery, downtown of Amiens (just right behind musée de picardie)
Exhibit in April 2019, 4th till 22nd, Atelier de la Poissonnerie
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- On 04/01/2019
- In Personal exhibitions
In april, i have the pleasure to be again at l'Atelier de la Poissonnnerie, Chateauroux (36), France, for a more personal theme showing a lot more big formats and coloured canvas (16 out of 27 canvas). this is the direct heritage of cooperations created in 2018. Come and see :D
Tri-Dimensionnel, 1- 30 november 2018, Chateauroux (36), France
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- On 30/10/2018
- In Residencies, openings and artistic collaborations
This exhibition was made at 3 artits : sculptor (Patrick), painter (Christophe), drawer (Damien). a time that last to tame the soil, a moment to evaluate and mix colours of paintings, a blink to draw a fast line and to get lost in the various paths.
In this Three-Dimension travel, we propose you to see and share influences of the stone on the paper, of the paper on the painting, on the paint on the stones. It took us more than a month to create and influence each other. the result shall be interesting.
Vernissage was on the 3rd nov at l'Atelier de la poissonnerie, Chateauroux