Legal notices
This website is published by: damjump artiste
Address:Melesse, 35
France (metropolitan)
damjump, contemporary artist, registred in france on SIRET as n° 410 918 502 00064. Melesse, France.
Responsable of publication
Damien HUYGHE alias damjump
contact us
- email :
- letter : damjump, 28 rue Alain Colas, 35520 Melesse
Graphic design
draft and drawings realised by damjump (c) . layout and graphic design by Claire from Awelty, thanks :)
Author Property
Authors’ rights come from the French tradition of “droits d’auteur” and are protected by International and EU legislation (Directive 2001/29/EC)
This web site is a piece of art protected by the law on author's rights. Therefore, all drawings, paintings and photos displayed on this site are the property of the artist damjump, alias Damien HUYGHE. Showing those pieces on this web site shall not be understood as giving you a licence on thoses rights or as any right to use them.
No reproduction or presentation of these pieces of art can happen without the written and explicit agreement of the artist damjump. not following this will lead to prosecution for illegal copy.
this website is hosted by :
19, rue Lamartine
80000 Amiens