damjump, contemporary artist
I surely define myself, damjump, as a contemporary French artist. I am passionate about drawings.
Born in 1968, in Châteauroux, France, I am artist since 2018. In fact, I did receive a classical line drawing training in the USA in 1987, but it disappeared in my life as I went to business life in 1994.
since 2018, i paint and draw my feelings on the world, its way of handling climate change,the way i see politics and human behaviours... it is clearly falling down on from my thoughts to papers and canvas.
Former company manager, ergonomist, since 1994, hitchhiker could certainly also define my way of being an artist, as I spent my childhood Chateauroux, then a year in Salt Lake City, Utah, Usa in 1987, then I travelled and lived in several countries in Europe during my studies, and lived in several places in france : Angers, Lyon, Brive la Gallarde. I lived 23 years in Grenoble, settled since 2018 in Amiens, in Hauts-de-France, and now Rennes; Vignoc precisely (very close to Montreuil le Gast in fact).
Discover the works of Damjump
Live painting résidency, la Minoterie, 19th- 26th july, Mauzé sur le mignon (79).
10 artists selected and sponsored. Open to public
Open Artist Studio, Vignoc (35), 1 day/month, april till september : next one 28th july
2 workshops "using Art in difficult managment situations", la Gacilly (56), big GERME Trou, 620 persons, june
International Cultural Center of Cerisy (50), Exhibition "does climate warm us ?", 11-17 june
Exhibition "Does climate warm us ?", p'tit gallo farm, Montreuil le gast (35), 1rst june, for 20 years anniversary of the farm : exhibition, live painting with kids, 1 200 visitors
Imaginarium, "desirable futures ?", le Liberté Rennes, 22-24th may,CJD National Congress, 12 canvas and texts exhibited, 2 300 persons
Exhibition "and now ?", ma Cantine, la mézière (35)
"Toiles en scène", Big format live painting, with Art2Rennes, la courrouze-Rennes, Nov 2023
Exhibition "and now ?", at ma Cantine, la mézière (35)
"Rétro viseur", 5 years exhibit, Orangerie ouest of the parc du Thabor, Rennes, October
Exposition/Médiation "le climat tique ?" at the café de possibles/Guipel, 35, juillet to september
Petit marché de l'art, place des lices/Rennes, with art2Rennes, 28th mai
Salon Carré des Créateurs, 20th, Colombes (92), nov
Art2rennes, Halles Martenot, les Lices, Rennes (35), 4/5 juin
Ma cantine, restaurant, "Vraiment, je peux pas vous encadrer", La mézière (35), avril/mai
Art Weekend of Ferrières (80), april
Aragon's culture space, exhibit/residency "le climat tique ?", Villard Bonnot, feb/march
+ mediation on climate with four classes of elementary schools
Ma cantine, restaurant, "would you get another piece of damjump ?", januray
Ma cantine, restaurant, "would you get another piece of damjump ?", december
Gallery Pastourelle, Paris Marais, september, with the Art Cycle
Gallery AAC, "Tic toc le climat ?", may-july
Gallery Encadfement Votre, Amiens, mars
Galerie Lez'Art en Ville, ave DLX (Delphine Deroussen), Amiens, janvier
Halls of honor, Hippodrome d'Amiens, 4 months
Les Orfèvres, carte blanche, 18 months, 3 seasons, Amiens
Galerie Lez'Art en Ville, ave DLX (Delphine Deroussen), Amiens
AAC Gallery, 800 years of Amiens Cathedral, 15 artists
Gallery of Friends of the Arts of the Somme, online, 800 years Amiens Cathedral
Halls of honor, Hippodrome d'Amiens Les Orfèvres, carte blanche, 12 months in 3 seasons, Amiens
Galerie Yvert, Exhibition "damjump", Amiens
Novotel Amiens, Exhibition: Lobby, restaurant, bar and seminar space
Anthony Huynh Gallery, 5 artists, Amiens
Galerie L'atelier de la poissonnerie, Exhibition "Revolution for Climate", Chateauroux
Divinita, Amiens
Ephemeral gallery, OOkad, 5 artists, Amiens
Text for book and exhibition, "Beings at work", Palais du luxembourg,> 1million visitors
Galerie Yvert, "The gallery follows its line", 6 artists, Amiens
Galerie la Poissonerie, "Tri-Dimensionnel" Exhibition, with Patrick Portrait sculptor, Chateauroux
Galerie Le Café, Exhibition "Alambique", Amiens
Frenchtech gallery, "Replay" exhibition, Amiens
ThinkmyArt, Christmas market, Amiens
16th Contemporary Art Fair, 49 artists, Colombes
Trade fairs:
"Arts en scène", Art2rennes, la courrouze-Rennes , june 2024
"Le petit marché de l'art" (LPMA), Rennes, 2022 & 2023
"Carré des créateurs", 20th edition, Colombes, France
"Carré des créteurs", Colombes, France, 2018
2 pieces of art : "Sparkling water" & "Urbex", from exhibition "does climate warm us ?" bought by the cultural found of Crolles (38) artothèque. december 2022
Realisation of a Two pieces of Art, live work for the 170 years of the Hippodrome d'Amiens, GNT 2020, work exhibited on site, lounge of the president. public collection
Posters, drawings and illustrations:
2021, Cover & inside illustrations , Book " Ta nouvelle vie commence ici", Liv Danton Lefebvre, selfprinted
2020, Cover, Book "La convergence Organizational", B. Zittel, Yann Poley & Sylvain Biquand, selfprinted
Permanently :
Yvert Gallery, Amiens, 80
La pie Curieuse, Chateauroux, 36
My art workshop, Rennes/Melesse
Inspiration and creative line
In my creations, the line is extremely present, as well as the black. The black and variations of Pierre Soulages have impressed me a lot, as well as the lines of Victor Vasarely and the geometric games which imposed themselves on us on all the displays at the time of the release of Oxygène (JM.Jarre). Vassily Kandinsky and Joan Miro 'are my voice for the treatment of the lines. Following them and escaping them in order to blow up the colors in the style of Jean Michel Basquiat or François Glineur is a bit of my crazy bet.
I am not pessimistic, but I never quite really believed in human intelligence. Picasso, especially Guernica, illustrates for me our violence and our inability to collectively produce good. The 5th element of Luc Besson resonates in me on how we open the door to Good. for me, Artists are like these guardians of the temple, solitary and misunderstood in this world doomed to extinction.
The climate and the violence of the battle to come do preoccupy me. They inhabit my work and drawings. In the world of Giuseppe Penone, I easilly see myself jumping from one burned tree to another, till I explosed like a personna of Francis Bacon. being able to getthat emotions and to share it with colours like Basquiat or Glineur is like my crazy dream.
I do love what is intense, I live like that i think.
Creation is ultimately something I did underestimated for a very long time. Obviously, I did often scribbled, on his pages of notebooks, his sheets of binders, his pencil cases, ... while dreaming, while telephoning, on blocks of post-it .... but never kept anything
Also, professionally, I did often illustrate my words with sketches made in a hurry on the corner of a table, a board, a sheet. I can't speak and explain without drawing ... and I talk a lot!
The first turning back point for Art was made thanks to Pierre Morize, in the GERME Touch group where it was necessary to design a poster for the group. Then later in a personal reflection session with Anouchka. It was the writing that had "popped" to the surface with that sparkle effect. And then lots of other things from the kindness and sincerity shared with my fellow travelers in this group (6 years old) who let the little voice say “what if?”.
The second turning point, I own Catherine, my beloved neighbor, who was reading my wrintings on FB, and who one evening at Neighbors Day told me "at the next session of my book club, I present your texts. You put them in a booklet for me? It's next Wednesday". I did concatenated my last 5 years texts to make a novel book and did present it. This had shown me that the way is open to those who wish to walk.
The third one has been made thanks to my lover who one day looked at me strangely and offered me feltpens and a sketchbook, saying something like "what would happen, if you drew for real?" with a 4.99 smile. It was somewhere between November 2017 and February 2018. Since then the monster is released, the edge of the forest passed and the rays of the sun warm my face with happiness.
thanks a lot to you 3, and to all others.