
Find Damjump's interviews, press articles and reports that talk about his work as an artist.

  • acquisition of 2 pieces of art by the artothèque found

    2 pieces of art, presented this 2022 year in Espace Aragon in the exhibition called "le climat tique ?" have been bought by the contemporary art found of gresivaudan. this is a quite surprising news for me and comes to thank the effort made by espace aragon to host me during the residency and the exhibition.

    i am quite proud of this ;)

  • exhibition during science event "réveil climatique"

    my exhibition "le climat tique ?" will take place around the science week, which is, in France, a special week, where science is celebrated to get in contact with people to show how science is in life.

    For climate, we will use art to show that science evidences can be discussed quietly, and far away from the fear trends of media, and to understand what the evolution we are going to live is made of, and where do evidences come from, what mechanisms are involved and what can we do, and what can't we.


    page 18 of Melesse magazine, october 2022 edition

  • 2022 end of year programm

    to come this autum:

    - 7 oct / 7 nov : exhibition "le climat tique ?" continues its trip around france, after Amiens, and Villard Bonnot (near Grenoble), it will be presented in Melesse (near Rennes) to talk about climate change and actions needed, and to work with kids at the occasion of the science days

    - 19/20 nov 2022 : I will be present once more, 4 years later, at the "Salon des créateurs", for the 20th anniversary. for me, this salon is very special, as it is the first salon i made 4 years ago, and which did kick a little my art . very happy to be there to thanks these people for the help they gave me.

  • interview "la télé au placard", radio Grésivaudan

    exhibit form 4th feb till 18th march, mediation with kids form schools of la vallée of gresivaudan, and a film evening around "animals" from cyril Dion, and some more

    get your headset on : vendredi 25 février / damjump

  • Dauphine libéré, Feb.2022, exhibition le climat tique ?

    Aragon Culture Space does host the exhibition for 6 weeks, in which 3 will be dedicated for schools and youngsters to talk and creat around climate.
    Films on climate and animals will also be proposed during the exhibition, look at programms, and come share and feel this art experience.

  • book - Opus n° 3 2020

    opus number 3 : "abstract of my pieces of art 2020" is out and you can download it here : Book n 3 2020book-n-3-2020.pdf (8.29 Mo) + (in french, but i will do both versions for next one, I promess)

    It does present my canvas and drawings, and big formats I did paint during spring and summer, and does present pieces of art filled with climate, society problems, emotions and of course this f... virus that does take all space in our spirits and lifes at the moment.

    but don't worry too much, you will find in there canvas shouting out loud with colours and emotions and energy, which is my way of painting.

    about 30 pages that show the trend for 2020 and the coming catalogue. Stay tuned and good reading or good "seeing", i dont know how to say it in english (visionnage ? ) :D


  • Headlines News, reportage, France 3 & FR3 Picardie, july 2020

    • By
    • On 10/02/2022
    • In Press

    Headline news on a national media, check :D:

    France 3 midday news programm does present our exhibition held for the 800 years of Amiens' Cathedral.
    Exhibition is organised by Galerie de l'AAC à Amiens. 12 artists from Amiens

    at honor in the subject : Laëtitia Ducrocq, Delphine Jonckheere and damjump, myself.

    time code : (18'26) : video = here

  • interview Radio campus Amiens, Club Sandwich

    • By
    • On 10/02/2022
    • In Press

    Hugo Brisset delivers a daily interview of culture payers in Amiens, I had the chance to present my news and to talk about my work with him, going from how i create, to what it relates to.

    interview is available there in french, of course ;)

  • Avril 2019 - expo Atelier la poissonnerie, Chateauroux

    The new Gallery of Chateauroux' old town, created by Juliette, host my exhibition "Revolution for Climate"