Exhibitions and news

  • Residency, La minoterie, Mauzé sur le mignon, 19-26th july

    we will be 10 artists during this one week residency to create 20 drawings, canvas, pieces of art for our sponsors and under the happy surveillance of the public.
    7 days to create, share and show how we do art, and to dicsuss and learn from the crowd and the other artists

  • ART en SCENE, La Courrouze, salon Art2Rennes, 29/30 juin

    more than 100 artists from Rennes and around, will be present at this new edition of Art2Rennes art show.

    I will be at booth n°95 with several pieces of Art, and you will also be able to see my big painting made in la Courrouze in december 2023 duting the live painting operation "Toiles en scène". this canvas (2,70x1,70m) is called "Les munitionnettes" and talks about women's place in the contemporary world.

    see yah there

  • Exhibition "Climates socks ?" 7th, Colloques de Cerisy - 12/17 june 2024

    I will present fo the 7th time my exhibit "climate socks ?" that talks about our future throught the climate change that we do see coming.

    the exhibit will be presented in the stables (40mx6m) during all the symposium "Vulnérabilité du travail dans un monde en quête d'avenir"

    and i will propose a psecial experimentation during vernissage to push partipants to give their own interpretation of the pieces of art before we do tlak about them and about the angle through which i made them.


  • IMAGINARIUM, congrès CJD, Rennes, 22-24 mai

    2.500 young CEOS do gather in Rennes to see how to imagine and change their companies to make a better world, for true.
    I do present during all the congress, 12 canvas and texts about our possible futures, how to imagine them, what should be changed.

    Booklet is available (in french) : here

    and all canvas are on sale. price list is available on shop.

  • next "Open artist place", vignoc, 25th of may 2024

    this is a new thing i do in 2024 : I am pleased to welcome you in my "Atelier", where you will be able to see a large part of my drawings and paintings, various size, going from small drawings (15x21cm) to Big canvas (2mx2m+)

    All day long
    il will take place once a month, first one was 21th april. and following ones will be announced for may, june, july, august and may be september


  • And now ? exhibit at ma Cantine, oct-dec 2023

    After a very tight october month (5 years echibit at the Thabor and a big wall painting for a client), i do present at ma Cantin some paintings of 2023 never showed before and a few paintings from the years before

  • Orangerie du Thabor, Exhibition, 23/29 october

    5 years, not so easy to deal with it and manage to present a nice retrospective of what i've done so far

    "les perdreaux de l'année", emotions, life stikcs, does climate fuck ? and many others themes were of course present, as well as covid and its french democraty misleading politics

    you were more than 500 to come and visit in 6 days in that fabulous place that is the orangerie ouest of the thabor's parc in Rennes.

    thanks so much


  • Big wall painting for a client, oct. 2023

    2023 galactic circus



















    October was "the" month since i was preparing my 5 years retrospective.
    never mind, i took some time to go paint a big wall for a client close to Chambord. One week stay to achieve the painting based on sketches we chose together.

    as always, no try, i draw at once for the final result.