Residencies, openings and artistic collaborations

Find all of Damjump's artist residencies and the openings of his artist's studio, to discover the exhibitions of his drawings and illustrations.
As well as his collaborations and co-creations with other artists.

  • Residency, La minoterie, Mauzé sur le mignon, 19-26th july

    we will be 10 artists during this one week residency to create 20 drawings, canvas, pieces of art for our sponsors and under the happy surveillance of the public.
    7 days to create, share and show how we do art, and to dicsuss and learn from the crowd and the other artists

  • Exhibition "Climates socks ?" 7th, Colloques de Cerisy - 12/17 june 2024

    I will present fo the 7th time my exhibit "climate socks ?" that talks about our future throught the climate change that we do see coming.

    the exhibit will be presented in the stables (40mx6m) during all the symposium "Vulnérabilité du travail dans un monde en quête d'avenir"

    and i will propose a psecial experimentation during vernissage to push partipants to give their own interpretation of the pieces of art before we do tlak about them and about the angle through which i made them.


  • Big wall painting for a client, oct. 2023

    2023 galactic circus



















    October was "the" month since i was preparing my 5 years retrospective.
    never mind, i took some time to go paint a big wall for a client close to Chambord. One week stay to achieve the painting based on sketches we chose together.

    as always, no try, i draw at once for the final result.

  • Expo "le climat tique ?", espace Aragon(38) fev-mars 2022

    next february and march, i will share and present 20 pieces of art on climate,

    from war for water to migrations and difficulties to think the future, the exhibit is built to make you go through your emotions regarding the way we deal and prepare ourselves for the global warming.

    It is also built to share with young students and classes to talk about emotions and climate change and to do together a climate collage to understand what's going on
    a nice way to cross climate question, art and transmission : what i prefer.

  • "Live creation" candidature for artistic mediation for schools

    Climate does definitely take some place in my work. for a year, i push to create installation mixin art and mediation for public aroudn climate to explain and show consequences of uour behavior on humans and living world. we just cant continue like this and need to understand what's going on.

    Since this year, i do candidate for residencies to talk and act aournd climate using my exhibitions.

    Aim of the exhibits/installations is to talk about humans, interactions with linivng creatures, water rising, submersions, ..... using art, the game of cards "climate collage" and mix of media and documentaries around climate. it is to be build during reisdencies with schools and pubic.

    If you are intrested as a school, art center, gallery, ... lets talk about it.

  • Residencies and exhibits to come

    this "calm" space of time is dedicated to art and to files deposit to go in residencies and exhibitions

    2021 will be made of at least 3 exhibits : prolongation of the one in the "hippodrome d'Amiens", one in the art shop "encadremen votre" in Amiens, and one in september that will rise some hope

    2022 will be the occasion to invest an art gallery linked to culture place near Grenoble : Espace Aragon at Villard Bonnot

    2023 will place my art in a patrimonial and cultural place that i love a lot .

    this will certainly unpack the house and my studio that are quite crowded


  • White card, for a year, at les orfèvres, Amiens

    for a year, beginning october 2019, i have the chance to get a white card in this beautiful place. I will try to bring an echo between the various delights of Frédéric Barette's pieces of cooking and my canvas. We will propose you two or three seasons, depending on our feelings, as usually does Frédéric when he proposes you for a cooking travel.

    prices list here : Shop / Les Orfèvres

  • ibubble version damjump

    For the diving show Of january 2020 in Paris, we made, with the artist Romain Dorez, 3 sets of custom hulls for iBubble. 3 unique hulls do exist for iBubble, get your own :D

  • Atlas, 100 people of Amiens at la Macu

    one week hase been enough to bring 100 amateurs to the show on saturday 21th september. from all around the town and under the orders of casablanca danse company, we've learned to assume our role and stand for the show.

  • Exhibition "Etres au travail", and book, july 2019

    80 photos talking about work and coming from big photographers aorund the world were exhibited from may till aoutgut 2019 on the fences of " Le palais du Luxembourg" in Paris. Each photo was commented by an expert : economist, ergonomists, sociology, pshychology, finance ...

    All of it has been gathered in a book published by Intervalles Ed. in may 2019.

  • Streetart at the Marché de Noel Amiens, dec 2018

    ThinkmyArt, an artist web platform, asked 5 local Artists to participate in an exhibit during the "Marché de Noêml". I am in :D Great ! 2 houses were invaded by Patricia Blondel, Romain Dorez (people of the year 2018 for Amiens), Lucien Mélou, Hamid Ouarraoui et me, Damien Huyghe. Styles and sizes are different, all on winter, snow and christmas.

  • Tri-Dimensionnel, 1- 30 november 2018, Chateauroux (36), France

    This exhibition was made at 3 artits : sculptor (Patrick), painter (Christophe), drawer (Damien). a time that last to tame the soil, a moment to evaluate and mix colours of paintings, a blink to draw a fast line and to get lost in the various paths.

    In this Three-Dimension travel, we propose you to see and share influences of the stone on the paper, of the paper on the painting, on the paint on the stones. It took us more than a month to create and influence each other. the result shall be interesting.

    Vernissage was on the 3rd nov at l'Atelier de la poissonnerie, Chateauroux