Collective exhibitions

Discover the group exhibitions in which Damjump participates to present his works. In the company of other artists, he exhibits his drawings, paintings and illustrations there.

  • ART en SCENE, La Courrouze, salon Art2Rennes, 29/30 juin

    more than 100 artists from Rennes and around, will be present at this new edition of Art2Rennes art show.

    I will be at booth n°95 with several pieces of Art, and you will also be able to see my big painting made in la Courrouze in december 2023 duting the live painting operation "Toiles en scène". this canvas (2,70x1,70m) is called "Les munitionnettes" and talks about women's place in the contemporary world.

    see yah there

  • 20th edition Carre des Créateurs, Colombes (92), France

    4 years ago, day for day, I had the chance to be selected for my first art fair by "le carré des créateurs".
    I come back, very happy, with quite some progress made : more than 35 exhibitions, 2 galleries, several covers for books.
    I will join the 50 artists selected for this 20th edition with great pleasure.

    Thanks so much

    list of pieces of art presented : here

  • 2022 end of year programm

    to come this autum:

    - 7 oct / 7 nov : exhibition "le climat tique ?" continues its trip around france, after Amiens, and Villard Bonnot (near Grenoble), it will be presented in Melesse (near Rennes) to talk about climate change and actions needed, and to work with kids at the occasion of the science days

    - 19/20 nov 2022 : I will be present once more, 4 years later, at the "Salon des créateurs", for the 20th anniversary. for me, this salon is very special, as it is the first salon i made 4 years ago, and which did kick a little my art . very happy to be there to thanks these people for the help they gave me.

  • Petit Marché de l'art, Rennes, 5th 6th june 2022

    Plan marche artthis contemporary art market will gather more than 80 locals artists and is the place to share with local artists. the public will have to choose 5 pieces of art that will go to the finals .
    I will be at slot 14, named Dorian on the flyers and program.
    Come by and say hello

  • 800/12 artists at AAC Amiens,

    12 artistes gathered at AAC for the happiness of all. No Vernissage but a frequent presence of artist to enable you to come alone or in small groups to look at the pieces of art.

  • Exhibition 800 years - Amis des arts de la Somme

    - Les amis des arts de la Somme - is an artists association that organised many exhibitions in Amiens and Somme.
    for the 800 years of the cathedral, one was set to happen in June 2020, but covid protocol killed it, even in this huge cathedral that could contain 2 times Notre Dame.
    We sill wait to see if the real exhibition can be dealt with. A virtual exhibiton has been held on line.

  • Expo "La Galerie suit sa ligne", Yvert, Amiens

    6 artists to present you more than 120 small formats to pick up and admire for christmass.
    Vernisssage on the 12th decembrer, 18h30, rue de l'étoile Amiens

  • Exhibition in Amiens, 20 august 20 sept, OOkad

    Waiting for the new shop of Ookad in ocotber, we have the pleasure to exhibit at 5 artists in the OOkad Duméril Shop, downtown Amiens.

  • Exhibit in Amiens, 1rst March, 5 artists @Anthony Huynh Gallery

    AH art, Caro, Sibrah, Dyson and I will have the pleasure to show your our art in the Anthony Huynh gallery, downtown of Amiens (just right behind musée de picardie)

  • Salon Carré des Créateurs 16-18 novembre, Colombes (92)

    this salon, created 15 years ago by passionate people, does defend creations of contemporary artits. We were more than 40 artists selected for this salon that gave us the great occasion to meet a numerous public and the other artists. 3 days to share in this very professional arena. Great. happy to be there for my first salon. Thanks.

  • Tri-Dimensionnel, 1- 30 november 2018, Chateauroux (36), France

    This exhibition was made at 3 artits : sculptor (Patrick), painter (Christophe), drawer (Damien). a time that last to tame the soil, a moment to evaluate and mix colours of paintings, a blink to draw a fast line and to get lost in the various paths.

    In this Three-Dimension travel, we propose you to see and share influences of the stone on the paper, of the paper on the painting, on the paint on the stones. It took us more than a month to create and influence each other. the result shall be interesting.

    Vernissage was on the 3rd nov at l'Atelier de la poissonnerie, Chateauroux