Personal exhibitions

Discover the personal exhibitions where Damjump exhibits his works. You can discover his drawings, paintings and illustrations.

  • Exhibition "Climates socks ?" 7th, Colloques de Cerisy - 12/17 june 2024

    I will present fo the 7th time my exhibit "climate socks ?" that talks about our future throught the climate change that we do see coming.

    the exhibit will be presented in the stables (40mx6m) during all the symposium "Vulnérabilité du travail dans un monde en quête d'avenir"

    and i will propose a psecial experimentation during vernissage to push partipants to give their own interpretation of the pieces of art before we do tlak about them and about the angle through which i made them.


  • IMAGINARIUM, congrès CJD, Rennes, 22-24 mai

    2.500 young CEOS do gather in Rennes to see how to imagine and change their companies to make a better world, for true.
    I do present during all the congress, 12 canvas and texts about our possible futures, how to imagine them, what should be changed.

    Booklet is available (in french) : here

    and all canvas are on sale. price list is available on shop.

  • And now ? exhibit at ma Cantine, oct-dec 2023

    After a very tight october month (5 years echibit at the Thabor and a big wall painting for a client), i do present at ma Cantin some paintings of 2023 never showed before and a few paintings from the years before

  • Orangerie du Thabor, Exhibition, 23/29 october

    5 years, not so easy to deal with it and manage to present a nice retrospective of what i've done so far

    "les perdreaux de l'année", emotions, life stikcs, does climate fuck ? and many others themes were of course present, as well as covid and its french democraty misleading politics

    you were more than 500 to come and visit in 6 days in that fabulous place that is the orangerie ouest of the thabor's parc in Rennes.

    thanks so much


  • exhibition, "café des possibles", july sept 2023

    "Le Café des possibles" is a small village bar that gathers citizens involved in the social life of the community. Its a place where climate, art and society has a place, as well as disucssuions and debate. You can also have a drink, buy local and bio products, and have lunch every day.

    Il will present a part of my exhibition "does climate sucks ?" in a reduced set since the restarant room is not big enoough to hold all exhibition.

    a work with kids of the village shall happen to talk about climate. we arlready did a climate fresk with a few citizens involved in the café.

  • exhibition during science event "réveil climatique"

    my exhibition "le climat tique ?" will take place around the science week, which is, in France, a special week, where science is celebrated to get in contact with people to show how science is in life.

    For climate, we will use art to show that science evidences can be discussed quietly, and far away from the fear trends of media, and to understand what the evolution we are going to live is made of, and where do evidences come from, what mechanisms are involved and what can we do, and what can't we.


    page 18 of Melesse magazine, october 2022 edition

  • exhibition 7 october - 7 nov - exhibit room Cabu - Melesse

    my exhibition "does climat change ?" (the france name is supposed to be funnny), will be present at Melesse, in the art exhibition romm Cabu.

    28 drawings and paintings to approach the way i feel about this subject. The exhibit has 5 parts : exctinction of living, rise of seas, lack of drinkable water, climate migrations, and our point of view on all this as citizens.
    like for the grenoble edition, we will meet and discuss with kids from the local schoools to talk about art and climate.

  • exhibition at Ma cantine, Melesse, North of Rennes (10km)

    All december long, take a lunch at "Ma cantine" to see about 12 pieces of my art. drawings, paintings on velin and canvas.

    you sure will have a taste of what i do, as weel as the grils team, which is the reason "girl power" stands in the middle :) Find it.

    might happen that we can cross there as i often have lunch, or brunch threr.


  • Exhibition "Tic Toc, le climat ?", AAC Amiens, may july

    After these very useless months of lockdown for Art places, we can at last see and share our very dangerous work and activity with you .....

    Climate is for our misery at the center of this exhibition where i put my emotions about it in big formats. I propose you a few canavs and drawngs to question our place on earth, migrations, climate change, water crisis ... on this unique planet where humans are so fragile but so negatively active.

  • damjump at "Encadrement Votre", mars 2021, Amiens

    from 2nd till 31th march, at l'Atelier Galerie "Encadrement votre"

    come and see, and buy ;) some pieces of my work, mainliy drawings acrylic on velin 120lb, framed

    the Gallery is located 48 rue Gaulthier de Rumilly, à Amiens

    on request, i can come to explain you my work, or to present other drawings or canvas. just ask. see yah.

  • Exhibit Novotel Amiens Boves, 2 months+covid

    30 drawings and canvas, in various formats going from A5 to 1mx1m.
    Exhibition from 1rst March till 30th of October. Initially planed on the 19th, vernissage took place 3rd of september.

    Exhibition is running and you can see canvas all day long and even during lunch time if you want.
    Prices and list of pieces of art : here


  • Exhibit - Hippodrome Amiens - janv 2020 - June 2021

    During all year 2020, I will be present in the two salons of the Hippodrome of Amiens. thank you Carole Savreux and all the team.

    price and pieces of art presented : here

  • White card, for a year, at les orfèvres, Amiens

    for a year, beginning october 2019, i have the chance to get a white card in this beautiful place. I will try to bring an echo between the various delights of Frédéric Barette's pieces of cooking and my canvas. We will propose you two or three seasons, depending on our feelings, as usually does Frédéric when he proposes you for a cooking travel.

    prices list here : Shop / Les Orfèvres

  • Exhibition, Di Vini Ta, "the" Italian restaurant, nov 19 - january 20

    You are looking for "the" Italian restaurant around Amiens ? that's it.
    Cosi place in the back of the small courtyard, next to Le Mariotte and close to the Comédie de Picardie, a downtown place that you can not avoid.
    14 drawings and canvas are exhibited till end of january 2020. make your choice :D

  • exhibition, "Le café" rue flatters, Amiens 1rst till 29th nov 19

    Extension = +1 week to show 3 new canvas = Giraphons are not made for Capitalism, Passion, and El cavleiro do inferno.

    One year and a half after my first drawings, i come back to the very first place where i could exhibit. Thanks so much Pierre, Clément, Lucas and Romain.

    Le café is one of "the place to be" for art in Amiens, since years.
    Opposite corner of the Mercure hotel, 2 steps away from the cathedral. A nice location to see art and to drink perfect cokctails.

  • Exhibition, cafe de la mairie, st vincent de mercuze (38)

    Thanks a lot to Céline and Tony to host me this month in my old village, to show a little bit of my job. 8 canvas talking about climate and shadows

  • First gallery : @Yvert, may june 2019, Amiens

    I am very happy and honored to announce you that i will be, grom now, one of the artists that are shown at Yvert et Tellier's gallery in Amiens.

    For this first exhibition, i wil have the chance to have the whole gallery for myself. I will present 60 drawings and canvas.

    You were more than 50 at the "vernissage", the 23th of May, rue de l'étoile à Amiens. thanks :D

  • Exhibit in April 2019, 4th till 22nd, Atelier de la Poissonnerie

    In april, i have the pleasure to be again at l'Atelier de la Poissonnnerie, Chateauroux (36), France, for a more personal theme showing a lot more big formats and coloured canvas (16 out of 27 canvas). this is the direct heritage of cooperations created in 2018. Come and see :D