damien huyghe
20th edition Carre des Créateurs, Colombes (92), France
- By huyghe-damien
- On 17/11/2022
4 years ago, day for day, I had the chance to be selected for my first art fair by "le carré des créateurs".
I come back, very happy, with quite some progress made : more than 35 exhibitions, 2 galleries, several covers for books.
I will join the 50 artists selected for this 20th edition with great pleasure.Thanks so much
list of pieces of art presented : here
2022 end of year programm
- By huyghe-damien
- On 18/07/2022
- In Press
to come this autum:
- 7 oct / 7 nov : exhibition "le climat tique ?" continues its trip around france, after Amiens, and Villard Bonnot (near Grenoble), it will be presented in Melesse (near Rennes) to talk about climate change and actions needed, and to work with kids at the occasion of the science days
- 19/20 nov 2022 : I will be present once more, 4 years later, at the "Salon des créateurs", for the 20th anniversary. for me, this salon is very special, as it is the first salon i made 4 years ago, and which did kick a little my art . very happy to be there to thanks these people for the help they gave me.
Dauphine libéré, Feb.2022, exhibition le climat tique ?
- By huyghe-damien
- On 10/02/2022
- In Press
Aragon Culture Space does host the exhibition for 6 weeks, in which 3 will be dedicated for schools and youngsters to talk and creat around climate.
Films on climate and animals will also be proposed during the exhibition, look at programms, and come share and feel this art experience. -
Avril 2019 - expo Atelier la poissonnerie, Chateauroux
- By huyghe-damien
- On 10/02/2022
- In Press
The new Gallery of Chateauroux' old town, created by Juliette, host my exhibition "Revolution for Climate"
Exhibit Novotel Amiens Boves, 2 months+covid
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- On 07/03/2020
- In Personal exhibitions
30 drawings and canvas, in various formats going from A5 to 1mx1m.
Exhibition from 1rst March till 30th of October. Initially planed on the 19th, vernissage took place 3rd of september.
Exhibition is running and you can see canvas all day long and even during lunch time if you want.
Prices and list of pieces of art : here -
Expo "La Galerie suit sa ligne", Yvert, Amiens
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- On 11/12/2019
- In Collective exhibitions
6 artists to present you more than 120 small formats to pick up and admire for christmass.
Vernisssage on the 12th decembrer, 18h30, rue de l'étoile Amiens -
Exhibition, Di Vini Ta, "the" Italian restaurant, nov 19 - january 20
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- On 11/12/2019
- In Personal exhibitions
You are looking for "the" Italian restaurant around Amiens ? that's it.
Cosi place in the back of the small courtyard, next to Le Mariotte and close to the Comédie de Picardie, a downtown place that you can not avoid.
14 drawings and canvas are exhibited till end of january 2020. make your choice :D -
exhibition, "Le café" rue flatters, Amiens 1rst till 29th nov 19
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- On 11/12/2019
- In Personal exhibitions
Extension = +1 week to show 3 new canvas = Giraphons are not made for Capitalism, Passion, and El cavleiro do inferno.
One year and a half after my first drawings, i come back to the very first place where i could exhibit. Thanks so much Pierre, Clément, Lucas and Romain.Le café is one of "the place to be" for art in Amiens, since years.
Opposite corner of the Mercure hotel, 2 steps away from the cathedral. A nice location to see art and to drink perfect cokctails. -
Atlas, 100 people of Amiens at la Macu
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- On 24/09/2019
- In Residencies, openings and artistic collaborations
one week hase been enough to bring 100 amateurs to the show on saturday 21th september. from all around the town and under the orders of casablanca danse company, we've learned to assume our role and stand for the show.
Exhibition, cafe de la mairie, st vincent de mercuze (38)
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- On 19/09/2019
- In Personal exhibitions
Thanks a lot to Céline and Tony to host me this month in my old village, to show a little bit of my job. 8 canvas talking about climate and shadows
Exhibition in Amiens, 20 august 20 sept, OOkad
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- On 19/09/2019
- In Collective exhibitions
Waiting for the new shop of Ookad in ocotber, we have the pleasure to exhibit at 5 artists in the OOkad Duméril Shop, downtown Amiens.
First gallery : @Yvert, may june 2019, Amiens
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- On 01/05/2019
- In Art Galeries
I am very happy and honored to announce you that i will be, grom now, one of the artists that are shown at Yvert et Tellier's gallery in Amiens.
For this first exhibition, i wil have the chance to have the whole gallery for myself. I will present 60 drawings and canvas.
You were more than 50 at the "vernissage", the 23th of May, rue de l'étoile à Amiens. thanks :D
Spirit of Lanzarote
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- On 04/01/2019
- In Philo and eco
Winter gave me the opportunity to escape from this very oppressive life in france at the moment, media discussions, strikes, gilets jaunes movement. Whatever you might think about it, good or bad, this all goes into a drama whith intimidations, emotionnal talks, and kind of social networks psycho dramas that carry hatred and other bad feelings that are actually killing my energy and my life.
Nature, volcanos, long time meditation, stones shaped by the wind, soil worked through many hours of efforts by inhabitants that do host you warmly in that desert like environnement recall me how easy it is to be oneself, to talk with others, to be happy, just like that, without useless stress... this is true life and so fundamental.