Philo and eco

  • IMAGINARIUM, congrès CJD, Rennes, 22-24 mai

    2.500 young CEOS do gather in Rennes to see how to imagine and change their companies to make a better world, for true.
    I do present during all the congress, 12 canvas and texts about our possible futures, how to imagine them, what should be changed.

    Booklet is available (in french) : here

    and all canvas are on sale. price list is available on shop.

  • Wanna buy art ? what can be deducted from taxes in France ?

    The french code of Taxes allows to reduce taxes when buying canvas or drawings from living artists.

  • Spirit of Lanzarote

    Winter gave me the opportunity to escape from this very oppressive life in france at the moment, media discussions, strikes, gilets jaunes movement. Whatever you might think about it, good or bad, this all goes into a drama whith intimidations, emotionnal talks, and kind of social networks psycho dramas that carry hatred and other bad feelings that are actually killing my energy and my life.

    Nature, volcanos, long time meditation, stones shaped by the wind, soil worked through many hours of efforts by inhabitants that do host you warmly in that desert like environnement recall me how easy it is to be oneself, to talk with others, to be happy, just like that, without useless stress... this is true life and so fundamental.