
  • SDAM art 3eme, minihic sur Rance, Oct 2024

    We were a litlle more than 50 artist selected for this 3rd edition of SDAM Art, which took place in Le Minihic sur Rance. more than 2500 visitors came to look, buy and admire pieces of art of artists from the region.

  • new shop : Mémère, Mauzé sur le mignon (79)

    Happy to be sold in a new shop, in the known village of Mauzé sur le mignon, close to "La Minoterie" where i made a residence in july 2024.
    you will find small drawings series (sets of 3 drawings, frameds, 15x21cm and 21x15cm), medium size paintings (60x51cm) and duo canvas.
    Thanks to Clement that manage the shop.

  • Residency, La minoterie, Mauzé sur le mignon, 19-26th july

    we will be 10 artists during this one week residency to create 20 drawings, canvas, pieces of art for our sponsors and under the happy surveillance of the public.
    7 days to create, share and show how we do art, and to dicsuss and learn from the crowd and the other artists

  • ART en SCENE, La Courrouze, salon Art2Rennes, 29/30 juin

    more than 100 artists from Rennes and around, will be present at this new edition of Art2Rennes art show.

    I will be at booth n°95 with several pieces of Art, and you will also be able to see my big painting made in la Courrouze in december 2023 duting the live painting operation "Toiles en scène". this canvas (2,70x1,70m) is called "Les munitionnettes" and talks about women's place in the contemporary world.

    see yah there

  • exhibit - le petit marché de l'art / Rennes - 28th may

    the 5th edition of "le petit marché de l'art" is coming. We will be more than 75 artists to propose you our pieces of arts.

    Go through the exhibition, I am in the booth 38, and happy to see you there

    I did prepare you a set that you can see on my web shop. feel free to buy some ;)

  • acquisition of 2 pieces of art by the artothèque found

    2 pieces of art, presented this 2022 year in Espace Aragon in the exhibition called "le climat tique ?" have been bought by the contemporary art found of gresivaudan. this is a quite surprising news for me and comes to thank the effort made by espace aragon to host me during the residency and the exhibition.

    i am quite proud of this ;)

  • 20th edition Carre des Créateurs, Colombes (92), France

    4 years ago, day for day, I had the chance to be selected for my first art fair by "le carré des créateurs".
    I come back, very happy, with quite some progress made : more than 35 exhibitions, 2 galleries, several covers for books.
    I will join the 50 artists selected for this 20th edition with great pleasure.

    Thanks so much

    list of pieces of art presented : here

  • exhibition during science event "réveil climatique"

    my exhibition "le climat tique ?" will take place around the science week, which is, in France, a special week, where science is celebrated to get in contact with people to show how science is in life.

    For climate, we will use art to show that science evidences can be discussed quietly, and far away from the fear trends of media, and to understand what the evolution we are going to live is made of, and where do evidences come from, what mechanisms are involved and what can we do, and what can't we.


    page 18 of Melesse magazine, october 2022 edition

  • "La pie curieuse" new gallery in Chateauroux (36)

    Since july 2022, i do exhibit and sell at "La pie curieuse" (the curious magpie).
    With 8 artist from chateauroux (inhabitants or borned), we do present a broad variety of styles and crafts, from soap to illustrations, from ceramics to painting, comme and visit, i am sure that you will leave with something.
    The gallery is not open all week, chech out when you want to come. and we do are present, usually on sundays where some of us do workshop on their skills.La pie curieuse

  • exhibition 7 october - 7 nov - exhibit room Cabu - Melesse

    my exhibition "does climat change ?" (the france name is supposed to be funnny), will be present at Melesse, in the art exhibition romm Cabu.

    28 drawings and paintings to approach the way i feel about this subject. The exhibit has 5 parts : exctinction of living, rise of seas, lack of drinkable water, climate migrations, and our point of view on all this as citizens.
    like for the grenoble edition, we will meet and discuss with kids from the local schoools to talk about art and climate.

  • 2022 end of year programm

    to come this autum:

    - 7 oct / 7 nov : exhibition "le climat tique ?" continues its trip around france, after Amiens, and Villard Bonnot (near Grenoble), it will be presented in Melesse (near Rennes) to talk about climate change and actions needed, and to work with kids at the occasion of the science days

    - 19/20 nov 2022 : I will be present once more, 4 years later, at the "Salon des créateurs", for the 20th anniversary. for me, this salon is very special, as it is the first salon i made 4 years ago, and which did kick a little my art . very happy to be there to thanks these people for the help they gave me.

  • Dauphine libéré, Feb.2022, exhibition le climat tique ?

    Aragon Culture Space does host the exhibition for 6 weeks, in which 3 will be dedicated for schools and youngsters to talk and creat around climate.
    Films on climate and animals will also be proposed during the exhibition, look at programms, and come share and feel this art experience.

  • book - Opus n° 3 2020

    opus number 3 : "abstract of my pieces of art 2020" is out and you can download it here : Book n 3 2020book-n-3-2020.pdf (8.29 Mo) + (in french, but i will do both versions for next one, I promess)

    It does present my canvas and drawings, and big formats I did paint during spring and summer, and does present pieces of art filled with climate, society problems, emotions and of course this f... virus that does take all space in our spirits and lifes at the moment.

    but don't worry too much, you will find in there canvas shouting out loud with colours and emotions and energy, which is my way of painting.

    about 30 pages that show the trend for 2020 and the coming catalogue. Stay tuned and good reading or good "seeing", i dont know how to say it in english (visionnage ? ) :D


  • Headlines News, reportage, France 3 & FR3 Picardie, july 2020

    • By
    • On 10/02/2022
    • In Press

    Headline news on a national media, check :D:

    France 3 midday news programm does present our exhibition held for the 800 years of Amiens' Cathedral.
    Exhibition is organised by Galerie de l'AAC à Amiens. 12 artists from Amiens

    at honor in the subject : Laëtitia Ducrocq, Delphine Jonckheere and damjump, myself.

    time code : (18'26) : video = here

  • Avril 2019 - expo Atelier la poissonnerie, Chateauroux

    The new Gallery of Chateauroux' old town, created by Juliette, host my exhibition "Revolution for Climate"

  • Expo "le climat tique ?", espace Aragon(38) fev-mars 2022

    next february and march, i will share and present 20 pieces of art on climate,

    from war for water to migrations and difficulties to think the future, the exhibit is built to make you go through your emotions regarding the way we deal and prepare ourselves for the global warming.

    It is also built to share with young students and classes to talk about emotions and climate change and to do together a climate collage to understand what's going on
    a nice way to cross climate question, art and transmission : what i prefer.

  • exhibition at Ma cantine, Melesse, North of Rennes (10km)

    All december long, take a lunch at "Ma cantine" to see about 12 pieces of my art. drawings, paintings on velin and canvas.

    you sure will have a taste of what i do, as weel as the grils team, which is the reason "girl power" stands in the middle :) Find it.

    might happen that we can cross there as i often have lunch, or brunch threr.


  • I moved my studio to Rennes/Melesse

    August has been the occasion to move west. We now live in Melesse, 10km north of Rennes.
    You are welcome to come see my canvas and pieces of art at my studio in Melesse.
    Just let me know and i prepare you a set.

  • "Live creation" candidature for artistic mediation for schools

    Climate does definitely take some place in my work. for a year, i push to create installation mixin art and mediation for public aroudn climate to explain and show consequences of uour behavior on humans and living world. we just cant continue like this and need to understand what's going on.

    Since this year, i do candidate for residencies to talk and act aournd climate using my exhibitions.

    Aim of the exhibits/installations is to talk about humans, interactions with linivng creatures, water rising, submersions, ..... using art, the game of cards "climate collage" and mix of media and documentaries around climate. it is to be build during reisdencies with schools and pubic.

    If you are intrested as a school, art center, gallery, ... lets talk about it.

  • Exhibition "Tic Toc, le climat ?", AAC Amiens, may july

    After these very useless months of lockdown for Art places, we can at last see and share our very dangerous work and activity with you .....

    Climate is for our misery at the center of this exhibition where i put my emotions about it in big formats. I propose you a few canavs and drawngs to question our place on earth, migrations, climate change, water crisis ... on this unique planet where humans are so fragile but so negatively active.

  • Residencies and exhibits to come

    this "calm" space of time is dedicated to art and to files deposit to go in residencies and exhibitions

    2021 will be made of at least 3 exhibits : prolongation of the one in the "hippodrome d'Amiens", one in the art shop "encadremen votre" in Amiens, and one in september that will rise some hope

    2022 will be the occasion to invest an art gallery linked to culture place near Grenoble : Espace Aragon at Villard Bonnot

    2023 will place my art in a patrimonial and cultural place that i love a lot .

    this will certainly unpack the house and my studio that are quite crowded


  • Saison 3 aux Orfèvres, c'est parti

    • By
    • On 29/09/2020

    Here we go, autumn did arrive and the covided september is playing with our nerves.
    We shall then counter this bad orientation, resist and bring energy to make you enjoy the nice small dishes of Frédéric.
    14 canvas to look at, while liking the sweet flavors

    canvas are all on line on the wesite, in the shop  : Orfèvres, saison 3 , here

  • 800/12 artists at AAC Amiens,

    12 artistes gathered at AAC for the happiness of all. No Vernissage but a frequent presence of artist to enable you to come alone or in small groups to look at the pieces of art.

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  • Exhibit Novotel Amiens Boves, 2 months+covid

    30 drawings and canvas, in various formats going from A5 to 1mx1m.
    Exhibition from 1rst March till 30th of October. Initially planed on the 19th, vernissage took place 3rd of september.

    Exhibition is running and you can see canvas all day long and even during lunch time if you want.
    Prices and list of pieces of art : here


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  • Exhibit - Hippodrome Amiens - janv 2020 - June 2021

    During all year 2020, I will be present in the two salons of the Hippodrome of Amiens. thank you Carole Savreux and all the team.

    price and pieces of art presented : here

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  • White card, for a year, at les orfèvres, Amiens

    for a year, beginning october 2019, i have the chance to get a white card in this beautiful place. I will try to bring an echo between the various delights of Frédéric Barette's pieces of cooking and my canvas. We will propose you two or three seasons, depending on our feelings, as usually does Frédéric when he proposes you for a cooking travel.

    prices list here : Shop / Les Orfèvres

  • ibubble version damjump

    For the diving show Of january 2020 in Paris, we made, with the artist Romain Dorez, 3 sets of custom hulls for iBubble. 3 unique hulls do exist for iBubble, get your own :D

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  • Wanna buy art ? what can be deducted from taxes in France ?

    The french code of Taxes allows to reduce taxes when buying canvas or drawings from living artists.

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  • Expo "La Galerie suit sa ligne", Yvert, Amiens

    6 artists to present you more than 120 small formats to pick up and admire for christmass.
    Vernisssage on the 12th decembrer, 18h30, rue de l'étoile Amiens

  • Exhibition, Di Vini Ta, "the" Italian restaurant, nov 19 - january 20

    You are looking for "the" Italian restaurant around Amiens ? that's it.
    Cosi place in the back of the small courtyard, next to Le Mariotte and close to the Comédie de Picardie, a downtown place that you can not avoid.
    14 drawings and canvas are exhibited till end of january 2020. make your choice :D