
  • ART en SCENE, La Courrouze, salon Art2Rennes, 29/30 juin

    more than 100 artists from Rennes and around, will be present at this new edition of Art2Rennes art show.

    I will be at booth n°95 with several pieces of Art, and you will also be able to see my big painting made in la Courrouze in december 2023 duting the live painting operation "Toiles en scène". this canvas (2,70x1,70m) is called "Les munitionnettes" and talks about women's place in the contemporary world.

    see yah there

  • IMAGINARIUM, congrès CJD, Rennes, 22-24 mai

    2.500 young CEOS do gather in Rennes to see how to imagine and change their companies to make a better world, for true.
    I do present during all the congress, 12 canvas and texts about our possible futures, how to imagine them, what should be changed.

    Booklet is available (in french) : here

    and all canvas are on sale. price list is available on shop.

  • Orangerie du Thabor, Exhibition, 23/29 october

    5 years, not so easy to deal with it and manage to present a nice retrospective of what i've done so far

    "les perdreaux de l'année", emotions, life stikcs, does climate fuck ? and many others themes were of course present, as well as covid and its french democraty misleading politics

    you were more than 500 to come and visit in 6 days in that fabulous place that is the orangerie ouest of the thabor's parc in Rennes.

    thanks so much


  • exhibit - le petit marché de l'art / Rennes - 28th may

    the 5th edition of "le petit marché de l'art" is coming. We will be more than 75 artists to propose you our pieces of arts.

    Go through the exhibition, I am in the booth 38, and happy to see you there

    I did prepare you a set that you can see on my web shop. feel free to buy some ;)

  • exhibition during science event "réveil climatique"

    my exhibition "le climat tique ?" will take place around the science week, which is, in France, a special week, where science is celebrated to get in contact with people to show how science is in life.

    For climate, we will use art to show that science evidences can be discussed quietly, and far away from the fear trends of media, and to understand what the evolution we are going to live is made of, and where do evidences come from, what mechanisms are involved and what can we do, and what can't we.


    page 18 of Melesse magazine, october 2022 edition

  • exhibition 7 october - 7 nov - exhibit room Cabu - Melesse

    my exhibition "does climat change ?" (the france name is supposed to be funnny), will be present at Melesse, in the art exhibition romm Cabu.

    28 drawings and paintings to approach the way i feel about this subject. The exhibit has 5 parts : exctinction of living, rise of seas, lack of drinkable water, climate migrations, and our point of view on all this as citizens.
    like for the grenoble edition, we will meet and discuss with kids from the local schoools to talk about art and climate.

  • 2022 end of year programm

    to come this autum:

    - 7 oct / 7 nov : exhibition "le climat tique ?" continues its trip around france, after Amiens, and Villard Bonnot (near Grenoble), it will be presented in Melesse (near Rennes) to talk about climate change and actions needed, and to work with kids at the occasion of the science days

    - 19/20 nov 2022 : I will be present once more, 4 years later, at the "Salon des créateurs", for the 20th anniversary. for me, this salon is very special, as it is the first salon i made 4 years ago, and which did kick a little my art . very happy to be there to thanks these people for the help they gave me.

  • exhibition at Ma cantine, Melesse, North of Rennes (10km)

    All december long, take a lunch at "Ma cantine" to see about 12 pieces of my art. drawings, paintings on velin and canvas.

    you sure will have a taste of what i do, as weel as the grils team, which is the reason "girl power" stands in the middle :) Find it.

    might happen that we can cross there as i often have lunch, or brunch threr.


  • Art Cycle Exhibition, Paris 4th Ar., Gallery Pastourelle, 16-19 sept.

    The art cycle will present a panel of artists in which I am, during three days in Paris, at the Gallery Pastourelle .
    Nicely located in le Marais, Paris, i will present two pieces of art :

    Karless fashion week, 65x45cm, acrylic on velin, framed raw oak : a recall if necessary of the major change that occured at last fashion week.

    Esclavages Modernes, 80x60cm, acrylic on canvas : a poke to the extraordinary work that Carmignac's foundation is doing every year, and specially in 2019 about women and childrens in migrations