
  • 20th edition Carre des Créateurs, Colombes (92), France

    4 years ago, day for day, I had the chance to be selected for my first art fair by "le carré des créateurs".
    I come back, very happy, with quite some progress made : more than 35 exhibitions, 2 galleries, several covers for books.
    I will join the 50 artists selected for this 20th edition with great pleasure.

    Thanks so much

    list of pieces of art presented : here

  • Art Cycle Exhibition, Paris 4th Ar., Gallery Pastourelle, 16-19 sept.

    The art cycle will present a panel of artists in which I am, during three days in Paris, at the Gallery Pastourelle .
    Nicely located in le Marais, Paris, i will present two pieces of art :

    Karless fashion week, 65x45cm, acrylic on velin, framed raw oak : a recall if necessary of the major change that occured at last fashion week.

    Esclavages Modernes, 80x60cm, acrylic on canvas : a poke to the extraordinary work that Carmignac's foundation is doing every year, and specially in 2019 about women and childrens in migrations

  • Exhibition "Etres au travail", and book, july 2019

    80 photos talking about work and coming from big photographers aorund the world were exhibited from may till aoutgut 2019 on the fences of " Le palais du Luxembourg" in Paris. Each photo was commented by an expert : economist, ergonomists, sociology, pshychology, finance ...

    All of it has been gathered in a book published by Intervalles Ed. in may 2019.