
  • Expo "le climat tique ?", espace Aragon(38) fev-mars 2022

    next february and march, i will share and present 20 pieces of art on climate,

    from war for water to migrations and difficulties to think the future, the exhibit is built to make you go through your emotions regarding the way we deal and prepare ourselves for the global warming.

    It is also built to share with young students and classes to talk about emotions and climate change and to do together a climate collage to understand what's going on
    a nice way to cross climate question, art and transmission : what i prefer.

  • "Live creation" candidature for artistic mediation for schools

    Climate does definitely take some place in my work. for a year, i push to create installation mixin art and mediation for public aroudn climate to explain and show consequences of uour behavior on humans and living world. we just cant continue like this and need to understand what's going on.

    Since this year, i do candidate for residencies to talk and act aournd climate using my exhibitions.

    Aim of the exhibits/installations is to talk about humans, interactions with linivng creatures, water rising, submersions, ..... using art, the game of cards "climate collage" and mix of media and documentaries around climate. it is to be build during reisdencies with schools and pubic.

    If you are intrested as a school, art center, gallery, ... lets talk about it.